Hand made by Greens members in Queensland, these light-weight acrylic and bamboo earrings really stand out while being comfortable to wear.
Each pair comes with a set of rubber backs to ensure they don’t slip out.
They come in 2 sizes (small and large triangle), 4 materials (1-2 are transparent, 3-4 are opaque, 5-6 are mirror acrylic, and 7-8 are bamboo*) and two types of findings (sterling silver (S1-8 $33) or silver plated (P1-8 $23).
Select the model number with S for sterling silver earring hooks, and P for plated silver earring hooks. Sterling silver ear hooks pictured on models 1-6, plated silver ear hooks pictured on models 7-8
* Please note: Due to natural variations in the material, the darkness of the pattern may vary slightly from the pictured bamboo earrings.
Small triangle 25mm wide 22mm high
Large triangle 30mm wide 27mm high
from hook to base:
Small sterling 37mm
Large sterling 42 mm
Small plated 43mm
Large plated 49mm